We end 2019 on a massive high, at the final round of the Robodojo Sportsman in Leeds, Felicity and Luna-Tic we're able to secure 2nd for the year, only losing out to World Champion Amnesia. Toothless was strong enough to go undefeated all day, even beating Amnesia in the Final. This marked the end to a very long but successful year of fighting robots. We look to return in February after a bit of a rest and new robots early in the year.

Our failed BW entry to Bugglebots 2019, gets a tad bigger and now being made into a Featherweight.

Yes, the rumours are true, Team Luna has parted with CROTA as of 2020. Wasn't an easy decision but the robot was going to be retired anyway at the end of 2019 and the internals used to Build FW Herty. This way a new team now have a robot to play with and we can buy new components for our new build.

We end 2019 on a massive high, at the final round of the Robodojo Sportsman in Leeds, Felicity and Luna-Tic we're able to secure 2nd for the year, only losing out to World Champion Amnesia. Toothless was strong enough to go undefeated all day, even beating Amnesia in the Final. This marked the end to a very long but successful year of fighting robots. We look to return in February after a bit of a rest and new robots early in the year.
Luna-Tic Annihilator champ 2019

Moon Bugs available now when you come to visit us at events